THE BEST FOR THE FIELD OUR PRODUCTS Leonardite It helps improve soils both physically-chemically and biologically. Improved Leonardite It is concentrated solid organic matter 30-30 They are complex organic molecules formed by humic and fulvic acids. Humic Acid Humic substances that come from decomposing plant elements. Fulvic Acid Concentrated and 100% soluble powdered organic matter Flash Humic It is a specialized liquid humic amendment Nitro Humic A combination based on humics derived from Leonardite Amino acids of animal origin They stimulate physiological functions in crops. Amino acids of marine origin Foliar and/or root application obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis. HUMYCRO Line The Humycro Line is a line of organic mineral fertilizers, created from Leonardite. Ultra Alga Natural Bioestimulant for Quality Harvests. Humicorrizas Organic fertilizer, highly effective soil improver.